How To Prepare For The Installation Of A Residential Fence

Whether it is for aesthetics, security, privacy, or all three, a residential fence can be a great addition to any home. If this is the first time you have had a fence installed, there are several things that you should take care of prior to the fence contractors arriving. Keep reading to learn about these preparation steps.

Establish Where the Property Line Is

Before you have a fence installed on your property, it is imperative that you are 100 percent sure where the border of your property lies. If you do not, you could potentially encroach on the land of a neighbor, and this could result in a dispute. In some cases, you may have to end up taking the fence down and have it relocated. Your property deed should list the boundaries of your property. Alternatively, you can contact the city hall to gain the measurements or look online for the plot map. You can also talk to a surveyor who can map out of the location.

Speak to Your Neighbors

As soon as you find out where the property lines are exactly, you can get a contractor build the fence without the permission of your neighbors. However, it is always the polite thing to do to talk to your neighbors and let them know what is going on. In the event that the fence barrier is mutually beneficial, it may be possible to reach an agreement in which both of you will split the costs of the fence. In the event that there is a disagreement between the two of you regarding the property lines, show them a copy of the land survey or deed.

Be Aware of the Placement of Utilities

Should the fencing contractor hit an underground utility line, there is a risk of serious injury, considerable damage, and power outages. Prior to the installation, make sure to contact the city's utility service so that the underground utilities can be properly marked and flagged. If a utility pipe or line is in the design path, the design will need to be adjusted accordingly.

Make Room for the Contractor's Gear

The fencing contractors will use an assortment of equipment and will need room to park, unload gear, and more. Make sure that there is sufficient parking space for the residential contractors and room for them to maneuver with their gear. In addition, make sure to remove any tripping hazards or obstacles in the area where the contractors will be working, as this will help the job go quicker and more smoothly.

For more information about what you need to do to prepare for a fence installation at your home, contact a residential fencing service in your area.

450 Words

About Me

Fence It In: A Fencing Blog As the saying goes, good fences make good neighbors. But what is a good fence? That really depends on your personal needs and preferences. There are so many options today, from wooden fences to aluminum chain link fences. The best way to determine which is right for you is to do your reading, and that's something you can do right here. On this website, you'll find articles about all different types of fences. Explore the upsides and downsides of steel and aluminum, and explore the limitations of vinyl. After some reading, you'll be able to make your fence choice with confidence.

